Gulf Reston Inc.2006-10-182006-10-182006-10-18 Photo, copy; 8.5" x 11" (27.9 cm x 21.6 cm)Undated aerial photograph of Reston, Virginia that has landmarks identified on it. Identified landmarks include Dulles Toll Road (Referred to as Dulles Highway in the image), Lake Anne Village Center, Reston Golf and Country Club, Newton Square, and Wiehle Avenue. Directions towards Washington, DC and Dulles Airport are labeled on Dulles Highway. Also in the top left corner of the image, an arrow labeled Reston South Golf Course is present. Planned Community Archives Collection, 461.19267985 bytesimage/jpegen-USReston (Va.)Photograph: Gulf Reston, Inc., "Aerial View of Lake Anne with Landmarks Identified," UndatedImage