Mahler, JulianneWarnock, Douglas Alan2015-07-292015-07-292015 dissertation examines the sustainability efforts of thirty-eight U.S. Army installations. In 2000, Army installations began to develop goals in order to become more environmentally sustainable. This research used institutional and environmental factors to determine their effect on the installations' reduction of waste, water and energy. A sustainability index was developed to measure the installation's success or failure to become more sustainable. Based on this research, the Army has been somewhat successful in its effort to become more environmentally sustainable. Of the thirty-eight installations involved with this study, 68% are more sustainable from their base year (the year they started their sustainability efforts) to 2012.241 pagesenCopyright 2015 Douglas Alan WarnockEnvironmental scienceConservationEnergyEnvironmentalNet zeroSustainabilityUS ArmyU.S. Army Sustainability: A Study of Organizational Characteristics and Their Impact on Sustainability Efforts at Army InstallationsDissertation