2022-01-252022-01-252019https://hdl.handle.net/1920/12270This dissertation examines the integration of complexity theory and computational tools into U.S. foreign policy. It identifies ways to improve the Department of Defense’s main analytic framework to ensure a more accurate reflection of complex systems and it provides a holistic assessment of the integration of computational tools into Joint campaigns. Based on this analysis, this dissertation advocates the incorporation of Agent Based Models (ABMs) as simulations to support both analysis and foreign policy development at all levels of the foreign policy enterprise. To aid this integration, two Mesa based ABM libraries are created. (1) Multi-level Mesa, the first Python based multi-level library to facilitate the integration and evolution of layered adaptive networks. This library goes beyond existing multi-level libraries by providing greater user flexibility and allowing for the integration and adaption of more complex networks. (2) Distributed Space Mesa, a first attempt at starting a Distributed Mesa meta-library. This library provides modest time improvements to spatial Mesa ABMs and critical lessons for the continued development of a suite of distributed Mesa libraries.STANDARDIZING COMPLEXITY: DOCTRINE AND COMPUTATION FOR INTEGRATED CAMPAIGNING