2021-07-092021-07-092008https://hdl.handle.net/1920/11970The WARC file must be opened using a program like Webrecorder.io. The ZIP contains a static version of the website.With support from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and the Mozilla Foundation, The Mozilla Digital Memory Bank collected and preserved digital texts, images, audio, video, personal narratives, and oral histories related to Mozilla, its products, and its community of developers, testers, and users. The Mozilla Digital Memory Bank was part of CHNM’s ECHO project, which, since 2001, worked to develop new ways of collecting, preserving, and presenting the history of science, technology, and industry online. Building on CHNM’s earlier work on the September 11 Digital Archive and the Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, the Mozilla Digital Memory Bank aimed to create a resource for generations of students, teachers, scholars, and members of the general public interested in the history of the Internet, open source software, and Mozilla. Hosted at mozillamemory.org.en-USDigital historyInternet historyMozilla Digital Memory BankCultural-heritage object