Turner, DannReynolds, DarrenSeto, DonaldMahadevan, Padmanabhan2015-09-142015-09-142013-04-08Turner et al.: CoreGenes3.5: a webserver for the determination of core genes from sets of viral and small bacterial genomes. BMC Research Notes 2013 6:140.https://hdl.handle.net/1920/9886Background: CoreGenes3.5 is a webserver that determines sets of core genes from viral and small bacterial genomes as an automated batch process. Previous versions of CoreGenes have been used to classify bacteriophage genomes and mine data from pathogen genomes. Findings: CoreGenes3.5 accepts as input GenBank accession numbers of genomes and performs iterative BLASTP analyses to output a set of core genes. After completion of the program run, the results can be either displayed in a new window for one pair of reference and query genomes or emailed to the user for multiple pairs of small genomes in tabular format. Conclusions: With the number of genomes sequenced increasing daily and interest in determining phylogenetic relationships, CoreGenes3.5 provides a user-friendly web interface for wet-bench biologists to process multiple small genomes for core gene determinations. CoreGenes3.5 is available at http://binf.gmu.edu:8080/CoreGenes3.5.en-USAttribution-NonCommercial 3.0 United StatesCore genesBacteriophageTaxonomyViral genomicsData miningCoreGenes3.5: a webserver for the determination of core genes from sets of viral and small bacterial genomesArticlehttp://dx.doi.org/10.1186/1756-0500-6-140