Rowland, Norman2007-07-202007-07-202007-07-20 report, original; 11” x 8.5” (27.9 cm x 21.6 cm)Report by Norman Rowland entitled "Reston Low Income Housing Demonstration Program" dated April 1969. This report was funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. In this report, Rowland studied techniques to reduce housing cost. The study was conducted in Reston, Virginia. Rowland found that mobile home production techniques could be used to create high quality low income housing. The excerpt provided here contains table of contains, list of tables and appendices, an abstract, summary, and introduction. Planned Community Archives Collection, rm06.02Reston (Va.)Department of Housing and Urban DevelopmentReport: Norman Rowland, "Reston Low Income Housing Demonstration Program," April 1969Other