Rubenstein, Richard E.Maynard, Joshua2016-06-282016-06-28 thesis examines the ongoing discourse of the term ‘radicalization’ and the impact this discourse has in the discussion and implementation of various counter-radicalization initiatives in the US. The thesis will highlight how the current radicalization discourse has prevented the implementation of an effective de-radicalization initiative as an applicable measure in countering the threat of radicalization in the US. The author has used the critical discourse analysis methodology to review the July 15, 2015, US House of Representative Committee on Homeland Security hearing titled “The Rise of Radicalization: Is the US Government Failing to Counter International and Domestic Terrorism?” in order to denote which counter-radicalization initiatives are being promulgated as the best methods for countering the domestic radicalization threat.enDiscourse analysisRadicalizationCountering violent extremismHard powerDe-radicalizationRadicalization Discourse in the United States: Analysis of the July 15, 2015 U.S. House of Representative Hearing on the Rise of RadicalizationThesis