Rowland, Norman2006-04-242006-04-242006-04-24 Photocopy of original; hole punched, 11" x 8.5" (27.9cm x 21.6cm).Office Workbook for the Reston Low Income Housing Demonstration Program, Norman Rowland, circa 1969. This item includes the Introduction to the program, outlining its history; and statement of purpose of this workbook: to present schematical design suggestions produced in the first phase of activity for the research and development of housing for low income persons employed at Reston together with a combination of the data collected to assist in selecting a scheme to be finally developed; work program and critical path scehdule; resume of the participants; and a brief study of alternate construction methods. Planned Community Archives Collection, 445.15.1446898 bytesapplication/pdfen-USNorman RowlandReston (Va.)Office Workbook Introduction: Norman Rowland, circa 1969.Cultural-heritage object