Leeman, JenniferScheinberg, Emily2022-06-072022-06-07https://hdl.handle.net/1920/12893This thesis investigates the perceptions and use of gender-inclusive language in Spanish among Spanish speakers living in the United States. The term inclusive language encompasses a series of written and spoken strategies intended to provide more linguistic options apart from the traditional use of the generic masculine, with the ultimate goal of increasing the visibility and representation of people who identify as women and nonbinary within the Spanish language. These strategies include "doubling", or using both the masculine and feminine form (e.g., los profesores y las profesoras, instead of los profesores); replacing the terminal -o with a graphical symbol such as @, *, or x; replacing the terminal -o with -e to neutralize gender; and/or the use of collective nouns (e.g., el profesorado) to replace the use of the generic masculine form. Extant literature about inclusive language in Spanish often analyzes the dynamics of the debate between language academies and activists, however the opinions and uses of day-to-day Spanish speakers are just beginning to be analyzed. Using survey and interview data, this thesis intends add to the growing body of literature about inclusive language, providing insight into current perceptions and uses of inclusive language in Spanish by speakers of diverse backgrounds.enSpanishGenderInclusive languageLenguaje inclusivoPerceptions and Use of Inclusive Language in SpanishThesis