Palsbo, Susan E.Beatty, Philip W.Parker, PamelaDuff, Chris2005-12-242005-12-242004-01Palsbo SE, Beatty P, Parker P, Duff C. Minnesota Disability Health Options: Expanding Coverage for Adults with Physical Disabilities. Resource Paper #252. Center for Health Care Strategies, Princeton NJ. Jan 2004. available from www.chcs.orgMinnesota Disability Health Options (MnDHO), is a specialized managed health care program for working-age Medicaideligible individuals (with or without Medicare) with physical disabilities who reside in Minneapolis-St. Paul. MnDHO, a voluntary program, integrates delivery of all Medicaid and Medicare services except for prescription medications. Interviews and focus groups at the end of the first year show that enrollees’ quality of life is much better, with enrollees able to focus their attention on non-health related concerns.177355 bytesapplication/pdfen-USDisabilityMedicaidCare coordinationMnDHOCapitationMinnesota Disability Health Options: Expanding Coverage for Adults with Physical DisabilitiesTechnical Report