Papaconstantopoulos, Dimitrios A.Durgavich, Joel2013-03-292013-03-292012 current NRL Tight-Binding suite of programs was designed to only include s, p, and d orbitals in the basis. Because of this limitation, materials which have significant f orbital interactions could not be modeled in the current program. My dissertation expanded the NRL Tight Binding program to account for f orbital interactions and then used the modified program to investigate Thorium and Actinium, materials whose properties are influenced122 pagesenCopyright 2012 Joel DurgavichPhysicsComputer scienceActiniumF-OrbitalsPhysicsSlater-KosterThoriumTight-BindingExpansion of the NRL Tight-Binding Method to Include f-orbitals and Application in Thorium and ActiniumDissertation