Hodgdon, Samuel2013-08-302013-08-301784-01-032013-08-30https://hdl.handle.net/1920/8391Discusses the possibility of discharging the debts due to ironmasters by allowing the ironmasters holding public stores of shot and shells to sell a portion of the shot and shells equal to their claims. Discusses the value of the shot and shells. Notes that demand for bar iron is high and it is a good time to sell.Author's Letterbook Copy1 pageen-USDebts Due to IronmastersImageGreat sums; shells and shot; furnaces; the States; best judgement; claims; whole on hand; opinion; answer; act of Congress; magazines; peace establishment; bills; pounds; ton; balaces; account; demands; opinion; duty; matter; consideration; bar iron; demand; the present; most likely time; sell; bars; barrsRobert Morris; Samuel Hodgdon; Iron Masters; the public; Congress; Superintendent of Finance1784010328001