Brkic, CourtneyLipack, Jeffrey2019-08-28 thesis has been embargoed for 10 years and will not be available until April 2029 at the earliest.Everything I Tell Myself is a collection of a stories made in an attempt to explore the truth, and how it exists in the lives of everyday people. It aims to search for the ways in which people come to decide their own truths, and how those truths may affect their lives thereafter. The stories are a mixture of fiction and nonfiction, as many stories are, created largely through recollecting on my childhood years spent roaming the mountains of West Virginia. Ultimately this work exists as a way in which I have searched for my own truths about life– and through wonderings and experiences of my own, I created these lives for my characters.enVoyeurismTruthDogmaOrdinaryEverything I Tell MyselfThesis