Mandaville, PeterFitzGerald, Gerald Thomas2018-10-222018-10-222017 dissertation examines variations in the consistency with which governments apply certain institutions of church-state relations with respect to minority religious communities over time in Britain, France, and the Netherlands. Adopting a comparative historical approach, with a focus on Jewish and Muslim organizations operating on the national level, the research findings point to ethno-religious demographic change as a cross-cutting driver of inconsistencies across the three case studies and also highlight the role of national differences in church-state institutional arrangements in shaping the contours of the relationship between European governments and minority religious groups.453 pagesenCopyright 2017 Gerald Thomas FitzGeraldPolitical scienceEuropean studiesReligious historyEuropeIslamThe European State and Minority Religious Groups: Exploring Patterns of Engagement and AccessDissertation