Guagnano, GregAllen, Summer2013-12-03NO_RESTRIC2013-12-032013-12-03 research explores the relationships among environmental experiences, pro-environmental values and ecological identity using a mixed-methods approach. After intensive interviews revealed categories of environmental experiences, a web survey was implemented using Clayton’s (2003) environmental identity battery; Stern, Dietz and Guagnano’s (1998) brief values instrument; measures of role identity prominence, salience and commitment from Stets and Biga (2009); and items created from the identified experience types. Results show the close relationships among environmental experiences, Biospherism values, and Self-Identification with Nature, but do not support hypothesized links between environmental experiences, values and management of the “environmentalist” role identity. Other interesting links and avenues of inquiry are exposed for future research in this neglected research area.enEnvironmentExperienceValuesRole identityIdentityEnvironmental Experience and Ecological IdentityThesis