Plavchan, PeterCao, DavidPich, Leo2024-04-172024-04-172023-10 TESS satellite scans the sky for possible exoplanets using the transit photometry method. Any possible exoplanet candidates are marked as Objects of Interest and selected for follow-up ground-based observation. This paper presents the results of follow-up ground based observation conducted on the candidate exoplanet TOI 4620.01. The goal of this observation was to determine if the transit detected for TOI 4620.01 occurred near the predicted star, and at the predicted time, with the predicted duration and orbital depth. Our observations showed that the transit occurred with all of the expected characteristics. This indicates that TOI 4620.01 is likely an actual exoplanet.enCopyright 2023 David Cao, Leo PichGround Based Light Curve Follow-Up Validation Observations of TESS Object of Interest (TOI) 4620.01Project