Warfield, John2009-01-222009-01-222009-01https://hdl.handle.net/1920/3396Manuscript: typescript, 5 pgs. Original is PDF (54 Kb) 8.5" x 11" (21.6 cm x 29.7 cm).In this article, Warfield argues that quality control in system design is dependent on human behavior. Large Scale System quality design often times focuses on only Six-Sigma, ignoring human fallibility. A resolution to this problem can come from application of the Work Program of Complexity (WPC), which takes into consideration human fallibility in design practice. John N. Warifeld 99.7en-USWarfield, John N.Large-Scale System DesignFriedman, GeorgeSix-SigmaWork Program of Complexity (WPOC)Peirce, Charles SandersPopper, KarlPaper: "Quality Control in Large System Design: Human Fallibility as the Dominant Steering Factor," January 2009Working Paper