Plavchan, PeterKanigicherla, Aarushi2024-04-172024-04-172023-10 Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) mission gathers data for thousands of candidate exoplanets and their host stars (Zhang et al., 2022). In this paper we present research on candidate exoplanet TOI 3506.01, which orbits host star TOI 3506.01. The goal of this paper is to provide a ground based follow up of the planetary nature of TOI 3506.01. We took 249 exposures with the GMU 0.8 m telescope and reduced them, then we conducted ground based multi aperture photometry using AstroImageJ to generate a light curve. In addition, we plotted residuals and the fluxes of our target stars and adjusted trends within the data. We confirmed the planetary nature of TOI 3506.01, due to the visible transit on the ground based light curve.enCopyright 2023 Aarushi KanigicherlaGround based light curve follow up confirmation of the planetary nature of TOI 3506.1Project