Plavchan, PeterOlaiz, Estefanía2024-04-172024-04-172023-10 study presents the identification of an eclipsing binary system consisting of a 1.618-day orbital period, as determined through follow-up observations of the TESS Object of Interest (TOI) 3779.01 (TIC 275527293). Leveraging data from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) and ground-based observations from George Mason University's 16″ Dobsonian Strickland telescope in Fairfax, VA, Multi-Aperture Photometry using AstroImageJ (AIJ) was performed for photometric measurements, light curve plotting, and transit analysis. The resulting light curve and validation tests suggest TOI-3779.1 is likely an eclipsing binary system. All outcomes, including light curves, detrended data, and measurements, were submitted to ExoFOP (Exoplanet Follow-up Observation Program) for further examination and archiving.enCopyright 2023 Estefanía OlaizGround-Based Follow-Up Observations of TESS Object of Interest TOI 3779.1Project