Auerswald, Philip E.Higginbotham, Brian Douglas2018-10-222018-10-222017 dissertation examines the patterns of institutional change associated with globalization from the perspective of standard-setting institutions: Has globalization resulted in convergence or divergence of the institutional structure of standard-setting processes? Furthermore, what forces or conditions of the globalization experience have accounted for observed episodes of convergence or divergence and how have the institutional structures of standard-setting responded to the pressures of globalization since the late 19th century?126 pagesenCopyright 2017 Brian Douglas HigginbothamPublic policyEconomic historyOrganization theoryInformation and Communication TechnologyInternational Organization for StandardizationSecond industrial revolutionStandardizationStandardsStandard-setting organizationThe Standardization of Standardization: The Search for Order in Complex SystemsDissertation