Morris, SharonBaumgardner-Zuzik, Jessica2022-04-022022-04-022018 evaluation can only happen if we think about learning and evidence at the start of a program. This document, details seven steps that are the minimum set of steps every peacebuilding program must adhere to in order to contribute to robust evidence and learning in the peacebuilding field. Each step is explained and the critical elements and their importance are outlined. These steps include conducting a conflict assessment; peacebuilding program design; a monitoring and evaluation plan; a baseline study; monitoring and adaptive management; an endline study and final evaluation; and dissemination and key lessons learned. There is also an initial list of key resources for each step. For more information see: 3.0 United StatesTheories of changeDesign, Monitoring and EvaluationNetworksConflict analysisAssessmentGuiding Steps for Peacebuilding, Design, Monitoring, & EvaluationTechnical Report