Narrative Highlight: George Pantalos

At part of the 50th Anniversary meeting of ASAIO we conducted preliminary exchanges with individuals working in the field of artificial organs. The text below comes from George M. Pantalos, MD.
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2. What is your most memorable clinical case in which a mechanical device or machine was used as treatment? (answered by clinicians only)

In June 1999, there was a young woman who had been supported by an LVAD for 15 monhts. Her course had been difficult and compounded by blood clots coming from the device. The decision was made to remove the device before it did her greater harm with hopes she had recovered sufficient ventricular function. My specific job was to fashion a plug in the O.R. to fill in the hold in the apex of her heart after the LVAD had been removed. The plug worked. Her heart worked. She is still alive and health 5 years later.