GM View: George Mason University Video Yearbooks
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As publication of the George Mason University Yearbook ceased in 1988, GM View: The George Mason Video Yearbook was born. Mason had maintained a print version of the yearbook since 1965 under various names (i.e. Advocate, By George, Patriotism, and others).
GM View has been in continuous publication since 1989. Though each year's production is different from the others, they all have maintained the same basic format: a length of about 30 minutes; and coverage of university sports, greek, and campus events (such as Mason and Patriots' Day, International Week celebrations, graduations, etc).
This digital collection was created with the kind, generous, and expert help from the staff of GMU TV and Digital Progams and Systems, George Mason University Libraries.
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Item GM View: George Mason University Video Yearbook, 2010-2011(George Mason University, 2011) George Mason UniversityGeorge Mason University's video yearbook for 2011. As the University's printed and bound yearbook ceased publication in 1989, GM View replaced it, detailing major campus and national events, activities, sports, and student life.Item GM View: George Mason University Video Yearbook, 2009-2010: No parking here, Mason on the move(George Mason University, 2010) George Mason UniversityGeorge Mason University's video yearbook for 2010. As the University's printed and bound yearbook ceased publication in 1989, GM View replaced it, detailing major campus and national events, activities, sports, and student life.Item GM View: George Mason University Video Yearbook, 2008-2009: Tradition in transition, class of 2008-2009(George Mason University, 2009) George Mason UniversityGeorge Mason University's video yearbook for 2009. As the University's printed and bound yearbook ceased publication in 1989, GM View replaced it, detailing major campus and national events, activities, sports, and student life.Item GM View: George Mason University Video Yearbook, 2001-2002: Diverse and united(George Mason University, 2002) George Mason UniversityGeorge Mason University's video yearbook for 2002. As the University's printed and bound yearbook ceased publication in 1989, GM View replaced it, detailing major campus and national events, activities, sports, and student life.Item GM View: George Mason University Video Yearbook, 2003-2004: Mason unplugged(George Mason University, 2004) George Mason UniversityGeorge Mason University's video yearbook for 2004. As the University's printed and bound yearbook ceased publication in 1989, GM View replaced it, detailing major campus and national events, activities, sports, and student life.Item GM View: George Mason University Video Yearbook, 2002-2003: George Mason University then and now(George Mason University, 2003) George Mason UniversityGeorge Mason University's video yearbook for 2003. As the University's printed and bound yearbook ceased publication in 1989, GM View replaced it, detailing major campus and national events, activities, sports, and student life.Item GM View: George Mason University Video Yearbook, 2007-2008: Building a better Mason(2008) George Mason UniversityGeorge Mason University's video yearbook for 2008. As the University's printed and bound yearbook ceased publication in 1989, GM View replaced it, detailing major campus and national events, activities, sports, and student life.Item GM View: George Mason University Video Yearbook, 2006-2007: We are Virginia(George Mason University, 2007) George Mason UniversityGeorge Mason University's video yearbook for 2007. As the University's printed and bound yearbook ceased publication in 1989, GM View replaced it, detailing major campus and national events, activities, sports, and student life.Item GM View: George Mason University Video Yearbook, 2005-2006: Mason's Cinderella story(George Mason University, 2006) George Mason UniversityGeorge Mason University's video yearbook for 2006. As the University's printed and bound yearbook ceased publication in 1989, GM View replaced it, detailing major campus and national events, activities, sports, and student life.Item GM View: George Mason University Video Yearbook, 2004-2005(George Mason University, 2005) George Mason UniversityGeorge Mason University's video yearbook for 2005. As the University's printed and bound yearbook ceased publication in 1989, GM View replaced it, detailing major campus and national events, activities, sports, and student life.Item GM View: George Mason University Video Yearbook, 2001(George Mason University, 2001) George Mason UnivesityGeorge Mason University's video yearbook for 2001. As the University's printed and bound yearbook ceased publication in 1989, GM View replaced it, detailing major campus and national events, activities, sports, and student life.Item GM View: George Mason University Video Yearbook, 2000: Nothing held back(George Mason University, 2000) George Mason UniversityGeorge Mason University's video yearbook for 2000. As the University's printed and bound yearbook ceased publication in 1989, GM View replaced it, detailing major campus and national events, activities, sports, and student life.Item GM View: George Mason University Video Yearbook, 1998-1999: A time for all ages(George Mason University, 1999) George Mason UniversityGeorge Mason University's video yearbook for 1998-1999. As the University's printed and bound yearbook ceased publication in 1989, GM View replaced it, detailing major campus and national events, activities, sports, and student life.Item GM View: George Mason University Video Yearbook, 1997(George Mason University, 1997) George Mason UniversityGeorge Mason University's video yearbook for 1997. As the University's printed and bound yearbook ceased publication in 1989, GM View replaced it, detailing major campus and national events, activities, sports, and student life.Item GM View: George Mason University Video Yearbook, 1996(George Mason University, 1996) George Mason UniversityGeorge Mason University's video yearbook for 1995-1996. As the University's printed and bound yearbook ceased publication in 1989, GM View replaced it, detailing major campus and national events, activities, sports, and student life.Item GM View: George Mason University Video Yearbook, 1995(George Mason University, 1995) George Mason UniversityGeorge Mason University's video yearbook for 1994-1995. As the University's printed and bound yearbook ceased publication in 1989, GM View replaced it, detailing major campus and national events, activities, sports, and student life.Item GM View: George Mason University Video Yearbook, 1994(George Mason University, 1994) George Mason UniversityGeorge Mason University's video yearbook for 1993-1994. As the University's printed and bound yearbook ceased publication in 1989, GM View replaced it, detailing major campus and national events, activities, sports, and student life.Item GM View: George Mason University Video Yearbook, 1991(George Mason University, 1991) George Mason UniversityGeorge Mason University's video yearbook for 1990-1991. As the University's printed and bound yearbook ceased publication in 1989, GM View replaced it, detailing major campus and national events, activities, sports, and student life.Item GM View: George Mason University Video Yearbook, 1993(George Mason University, 1993) George Mason UniversityGeorge Mason University's video yearbook for 1992-1993. As the University's printed and bound yearbook ceased publication in 1989, GM View replaced it, detailing major campus and national events, activities, sports, and student life.Item GM View 1992: The video yearbook of George Mason University. Changing the way we will remember G.M.U.(George Mason University, 1992) George Mason UniversityGeorge Mason University's video yearbook for 1991-1992. As the University's printed and bound yearbook ceased publication in 1989, GM View replaced it, detailing major campus and national events, activities, sports, and student life.