Letter: William C. Cox to Martha Pennino, July 15, 1981




Cox, William C.

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Letter from William C. Cox, president of Gulf Oil Realty Company, to Martha Pennino, member of the Fairfax County, Virginia Board of Supervisors for the Centerville District, that is dated July 15, 1981. In this letter, Cox informs Pennino of Gulf’s desire to turn maintenance responsibility for the Lake Anne Dam over to the Reston Home Owners Association. Cox mentions that Gulf was ending its operations in Reston, Virginia, which is a part of Fairfax County, and wanted to expedite the transfer of responsibility. Cox was hoping that Pennino could aide this process, which was being held up because of a resident questioning the safety of the dam. This unnamed resident was requesting that further safety studies of the dam be conducted. This letter marks the beginning of a controversy over the safety of the dams in Reston that would last several years. Planned Community Archives Collection, 006.02


Textual: letter; copy, 11" x 8.5" (29.7 cm x 21.6 cm)


Reston (Va.), Lake Anne, Reston Home Owners Association
