Planned Community Archives: Catherine A. Baum Digital Collection
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The Planned Community Archives: Catherine A. Baum Digital Collection is a core collection of materials drawn from the George Mason University Libraries’ Planned Community Archives (PCA) Collection. Items from the PCA collection were selected for inclusion into the Baum Digital Collection based upon historical relevance and visual/scholarly appeal. The selected items were digitized, and accompanying metadata was created to produce a searchable/browseable database of research materials.
The Planned Community Archives Collection, features manuscripts, photographs, posters, blueprints, artifacts, and other items of interest relating to the planned community or new town movement in general and Reston, Virginia in particular. The PCA Collection contains over 675 cubic feet of materials and date from 1960 to the present.
Catherine A. Baum, a 1981 Mason graduate in Management was president of the Washington division of Drees Homes. She has been a resident of Reston, Virginia for over 30 years. It is through the interest and generosity of Mrs. Baum and her husband Mark that the Planned Community Archives: Catherine A. Baum Digital Collection was made possible.
Recent Submissions
Item Wiehle House(2011-10-13) unknownImage depicts a house and a gazebo with train tracks in the foreground. Handwritten on verso - "The Wiehle House, built about 1888. The gazebo has been built over the early spring house."Item W & OD Eastbound, Sunset Hills (C & O locomotive)(2011-10-13) Harwood, Herbert H.Image depicts a train approaching Sunset Hills road intersection.Item Blue Ridge Aerial Surveys, "Aerial View of Reston, Virginia," August 16, 1979(2011-06-03) Blue Ridge Aerial SurveysAerial view of Reston, Virginia taken by Blue Ridge Aerial Surveys on August 16, 1979. Bowman distillery is visible in the center of the image. New housing construction and early land development is also captured in this photo. Planned Community Archives Collection 107.10, (formerly 460.48).Item Blue Ridge Aerial Surveys, "Aerial View of Reston, Virginia," August 16, 1979(2011-06-03) Blue Ridge Aerial SurveysAerial view of Reston, Virginia taken by Blue Ridge Aerial Surveys on August 16, 1979. Image shows a shopping center with nearby housing complex. Planned Community Archives Collection 107.10, (formerly 460.48).Item Blue Ridge Aerial Surveys, "Aerial View of Reston, Virginia," December 4, 1969(2011-06-03) Blue Ridge Aerial SurveysAerial view of Reston, Virginia taken by Blue Ridge Aerial Surveys on December 4, 1969. Image show early land development and construction of Reston, VA. Lake Anne is visible in the top right of the image. Planned Community Archives Collection 107.2, (formerly 460.48)Item Blue Ridge Aerial Surveys, "Aerial View of Reston, Virginia," 1966(2011-06-03) Blue Ridge Aerial SurveysAerial view of Reston, Virginia taken by Blue Ridge Aerial Surveys in 1966. Image shows Lake Anne in the top right corner and early construction of Whiele Avenue from center of image to top right. Planned Community Archives Collection 107.2, (formerly 460.48)Item Blue Ridge Aerial Surveys, "Aerial View of Reston, Virginia," August, 1969(2011-06-03) Blue Ridge Aerial SurveysAerial view of Reston, Virginia taken by Blue Ridge Aerial Surveys in August of 1969. Shows early land development and construction. Lake Anne can be seen towards the top right corner. Planned Community Archives Collection, 107.2 (formerly 460.48).Item Blue Ridge Aerial Surveys, "Aerial View of Reston, Virginia," undated(2011-06-03) Blue Ridge Aerial SurveysAerial view of Reston, Virginia taken by Blue Ridge Aerial Surveys. Image is undated. In this image, Lake Anne can be identified. Planned Community Archives Collection 107.2, (formerly 460.48).Item Letter: William C. Cox to Martha Pennino, July 15, 1981(2007-11-19T16:40:27Z) Cox, William C.Letter from William C. Cox, president of Gulf Oil Realty Company, to Martha Pennino, member of the Fairfax County, Virginia Board of Supervisors for the Centerville District, that is dated July 15, 1981. In this letter, Cox informs Pennino of Gulf’s desire to turn maintenance responsibility for the Lake Anne Dam over to the Reston Home Owners Association. Cox mentions that Gulf was ending its operations in Reston, Virginia, which is a part of Fairfax County, and wanted to expedite the transfer of responsibility. Cox was hoping that Pennino could aide this process, which was being held up because of a resident questioning the safety of the dam. This unnamed resident was requesting that further safety studies of the dam be conducted. This letter marks the beginning of a controversy over the safety of the dams in Reston that would last several years. Planned Community Archives Collection, 006.02Item Paper: Reston Interfaith Housing Corporation, “Affordable Housing for Low and Moderate Income Families in Reston,” January 1984(2007-11-05T15:21:10Z) Reston Interfaith Housing CorporationPaper from Reston Interfaith Housing Corporation entitled “Affordable Housing for Low and Moderate Income Families in Reston” dated January 1984. The Reston Interfaith Housing Corporation is a organization that supports efforts to create and maintain Low and Moderate Income Housing. This paper discusses the creation of Reston Interfaith Housing Corporation and some of the low to moderate income housing projects the group has worked on. The paper also mentions the status of low income housing in Reston, Virginia, as well as possible projects Reston Interfaith Housing will be working on in the future. Planned Community Archives Collection, 019.12Item Survey: National Parks Service, "Historic American Building Survey Inventory: Ox Hill Memorial Markers," November 16, 1970(2007-11-05T14:56:26Z) National Parks ServiceSurvey from the National Parks Service entitled "Historic American Building Survey Inventory: Ox Hill Memorial Markers" dated November 16, 1970. This survey is a copy of the National Parks Service Historic American Building Survey inventory of the Ox Hill Memorial Markers, which are located in Reston, Virginia. This survey discusses the marker site, ownership, and the history of the site. These markers were erected in 1915 to commemorate the deaths of Union Generals Isaac Stephens and Philip Kearny. Planned Community Archives Collection, 012.14Item Survey: National Parks Service, "Historic American Building Survey Inventory: A. Smith Bowman Bourbon Distillery," February 24, 1972(2007-11-05T14:55:30Z) National Parks ServiceSurvey from the National Parks Service entitled "Historic American Building Survey Inventory: A. Smith Bowman Bourbon Distillery" dated February 24, 1972. This survey is a copy of the National Parks Service Historic American Building Survey inventory of the A. Smith Bowman Bourbon Distillery located in Sunset Hills, Virginia which is a part of Reston, Virginia. This survey discusses the history of the distillery and the current usage and ownership of the buildings. Planned Community Archives Collection, 012.14Item Survey: National Parks Service, "Historic American Building Survey Inventory: Brown's Chapel," July 13, 1970(2007-11-05T14:54:28Z) National Parks ServiceSurvey from the National Parks Service entitled "Historic American Building Survey Inventory: Brown's Chapel" dated July 13, 1970. This survey is a copy of the National Parks Service Historic American Building Survey Inventory of Brown's Chapel, which is located in Reston, Virginia. This paper discusses the state of the structure, history of the building, and its current owner. Planned Community Archives Collection, 012.14Item Interview: Peter McCandless and Tom Grubisich, "Glenn Saunders, Jr.," December 14, 1984(2007-11-02T15:49:35Z) McCandless, Peter; Grubisich, TomInterview by Peter McCandless and Tom Grubisich of Glenn Saunders, Jr. dated December 14, 1984. This is a transcript of an interview of Glenn Saunders, Jr., who served as project engineer for Reston, Va. Inc, vice president of Gulf Reston, Inc., and executive Vice president of Gulf Oil Real Estate Development Company. Saunders discusses many topics related to the history of Reston, including Robert Simon, Bill Magness and the financing of development in Reston. This interview was conduct in conjunction with other research for the book "Reston: A New Town in the Old Dominion", a pictorial history of Reston. Planned Community Archives Collection, 016.01Item Interview: Nan Netherton, "Interview with Fran Steinbauer," January 28, 1982(2007-11-02T15:48:47Z) Netherton, NanInterview by Nan Netherton of Fran Steinbauer dated January 28, 1982. This is the transcript of an interview with Fran Steinbauer, the President of Reston Land Corporation, which was conduct as a part of Netherton's research for the book "Reston: A New Town in the Old Dominion", a pictorial history of Reston, Virginia. This excerpt discusses the controversy over the maintenance of the Lake Anne Dam. Planned Community Archives Collection, 016.01Item Postcard: Gulf Reston, Inc., "Reston, Virginia," Undated(2007-11-02T14:58:28Z) Gulf Reston, Inc.Postcard produced by Gulf Reston, Inc. entitled "Reston, Virginia" that is undated. This is a postcard of Lakeview Cluster in Reston, Virginia. Lakeview cluster is located on Lake Anne. The postcard image shows the cluster in the background, and Lake Anne is in the foreground. The scene on the post card is identified on the back. Planned Community Archives Collection, 009.15Item Booklet: Gulf Reston, Inc., "Resident's Handbook Reston Virginia," January 1970(2007-10-17T18:04:45Z) Gulf Reston, Inc.Booklet produced by Gulf Reston, Inc. entitled "Resident's Handbook Reston Virginia" dated January 1970. This booklet discusses the services provided in Reston, Virginia, the structure of governance for Reston, and other resources found in this community. Planned Community Archives Collection, 009.10Item Flyer: Reston, VA Inc., "Reston: The Plan," Undated(2007-10-15T14:48:18Z) Reston, VA IncFlyer created by Reston, VA Inc. entitled "Reston: The Plan" that is undated. This promotional flyer discusses Reston, Virginia and the amenities offered in this community. One side of the flyer discusses the principles used to plan Reston. The other discusses the activities found in Reston. Planned Community Archives Collection, 009.01Item Newsletter: Reston Letter, Vol. 2, No 1, May 1964(2007-10-11T14:43:16Z) Reston LetterReston Letter, Vol. 2, No. 1 dated May 1964. This is an edition of the Reston Letter Newsletter. This newsletter discusses issues concerning Reston, Virginia. In this edition, articles concerning Gulf Oil’s investment, industrial and residential construction, and international press for Reston can be found. Also, a brief biography of David McKinley is on the last page. Planned Community Archives Collection, 001.22Item Slide: Anonymous, “Washington Plaza condominiums and Heron House," October 1972(2007-10-05T18:42:31Z) AnonymousSlide by an anonymous photographer entitled “Washington Plaza condominiums and Heron House" dated October 1972. This is an image of Heron House and Washington Plaza in Reston, Virginia. Lake Anne can be seen in the foreground. Heron House is visible on right side of the image. Washington Plaza is visible to the left. Lake Anne can be seen in the image. A fountain is visible on Lake Anne. Planned Community Archives Collection, 636.08