Digital Campus Podcast - Episode 107 - An Easter Basket of Hugs
Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, /
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In this episode, regulars Mills Kelly, Dan Cohen, and Stephen Robertson were joined by special guest Sharon Leon, the Director of Public Projects at RRCHNM, along with the digital history fellows, Amanda Reagan and Stephanie Seal. We picked up where we left off last week with a discussion about Twitter and academic freedom after the dismissal of tenured professor Steven Salaita from the University of Illinois. Then we moved to a discussion on the future of Learning Management Systems and their role in academic institutions, as well as praise for the new online journal JSTOR Daily. Our last topic of discussion surrounded the ever ongoing question of whether or not those in the digital humanities should to learn how to code. This conversation was spurred by the new platform Exercism that teaches users to code by encouraging more experienced programmers to provide feedback on a user’s code. We wrapped up the discussion with news from Sharon Leon about upcoming Omeka enhancements, upgrades, and features.
Originally published by the Center for History and New Media through the Digital Campus podcast ( This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 (
Blackboard, Digital humanities, Freedom of speech, GitHub, Journals, JSTOR, Omeka, Open access, Open source, Programming, Social networking, Twitter