Scholarly Connections: Leveraging Citation Data to Highlight Faculty Research Trends
Hoffman, Kimberly
Leak, Carl
Kunaparaju, Vamsi
Kan, Teresa
Cocks, Sarah
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During the 2016-2017 academic year, George Mason University Libraries' Science and Technology Team began a project with an end goal of capturing trends in faculty research by creating visual representations of faculty citation data within the many institutes at the university. The project continued in 2017-2018 by expanding to include the work of faculty at the Krasnow Institute, which is the focus of this presentation. Vamsi Kunaparaju, a graduate student in the Data Analytics Program in the Volgeneau School of Engineering, has worked with the library staff to provide a chronological view of faculty work and how research topics have evolved over time among these researchers. In addition, this presentation will compare the challenges faced during the process of analyzing citation data from the Krasnow Institute as opposed to the data from the first institute evaluated which was the Center for Applied Proteomics and Molecular Medicine. Finally, as the library partners with graduate assistants in the future who have data analysis skills, the objective is to provide both faculty and library staff with a firmer grasp on faculty interactions through the lens of publishing habits. This initiative can serve as a strategy to strengthen existing interdisciplinary partnerships as well as an impetus for new partnerships that faculty were unaware of previously.
Presented at the poster presentation at the NIH Bibliometrics and Research Assessment Symposium on Tuesday, August 21, 2018 at the NIH campus in Bethesda, Maryland.
Bibliometrics, Research impact, Multidisciplinary research