Paper: David C. Slater, "Will New Communities Sell? Selected Fiscal and Economic Implications of New Community Development," May 10, 1985
Slater, David C.
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Paper by David C. Slater, Vice President of Hammer, Siler, George Associates in Silver Spring Maryland, entitled "Will New Communities Sell? Selected Fiscal and Economic Implications of New Community Development" dated May 10, 1985. This paper was prepared for a symposium on the future of Reston, Virginia and other planned communities held at the Sheraton International Conference Center on May 10, 1985. Slater compares Reston, Virginia and Columbia, Maryland in an attempt to discuss new community development. Particularly he discusses the fiscal and economic implications of these types of developments. Planned Community Archives Collection, 638.03.05
Textual: Paper, copy; 11” x 8.5” (27.9 cm x 21.6 cm)
Reston (Va.), Columbia (MD)