Relationships among Leisure Stress Coping Beliefs and Strategies, Perceived Stress and Health, and Personality during COVID-19
Schroeder, Angela
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This thesis explores the relationships among leisure stress coping beliefs and strategies, perceived stress and health, and personality during the COVID-19 pandemic. Beginning March 2020, the U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC) implemented social distancing guidelines to slow the spread of coronavirus. The World Health Organization and CDC have issued statements urging individuals to protect their physical and mental health by staying active, remaining socially connected, and doing things they enjoy (WHO, 2020; CDC, 2020a). Iwasaki and Mannell’s (2000) Hierarchical Dimensions of Leisure Stress Coping Model, a Perceived Stress Scale modified to measure COVID-19 related stress, perceived health measurement (EQ-VAS), and an abbreviated Big Five Inventory were used to survey participants online. The data showed that leisure mood enhancement and tangible aid are dimensions of leisure stress coping that are positively correlated with lower stress perception and higher health perception, along with the personality trait of agreeableness. Implications of these findings include considerations in therapeutic recreation practice, health protective recommendations, and future research of leisure as an adaptive coping skill.
Therapeutic recreation, Altruism, COVID-19, Perceived stress