Interview: Peter McCandless and Tom Grubisich, "Glenn Saunders, Jr.," December 14, 1984
McCandless, Peter
Grubisich, Tom
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Interview by Peter McCandless and Tom Grubisich of Glenn Saunders, Jr. dated December 14, 1984. This is a transcript of an interview of Glenn Saunders, Jr., who served as project engineer for Reston, Va. Inc, vice president of Gulf Reston, Inc., and executive Vice president of Gulf Oil Real Estate Development Company. Saunders discusses many topics related to the history of Reston, including Robert Simon, Bill Magness and the financing of development in Reston. This interview was conduct in conjunction with other research for the book "Reston: A New Town in the Old Dominion", a pictorial history of Reston. Planned Community Archives Collection, 016.01
Textual: interview; original with highlight marks, 11" x 8.5" (29.7 cm x 21.6 cm)
Reston (Va.), Glenn Saunders, Jr, Gulf Reston, Inc.