Alliance Structure and Transformation
Buchanan, Scott C.
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The persistence and subsequent transformation of Cold War-era alliances have puzzled scholars for more than two decades. Using a structured, focused case study approach to examine the influences on alliance strategic decision-making processes, this dissertation argues that the transformation of alliances can be understood as a function of two processes: the first process is the tension between risk and alliance cohesion, while the second is the new patterns of interaction dynamics created by the growth of security institutions following the Cold War. Exploring these factors allow scholars to understand how interaction patterns influence decision-making processes in multilateral and bilateral alliances. After reviewing six cases, the dissertation concludes that alliance management plays a significant role in the transformation of alliances. It also concludes that multilateral alliances are more sensitive to competitive pressure from external security organizations, while bilateral alliances are more sensitive to cooperation with actors outside the alliance.
International relations, Public policy, Political Science, Alliance, ANZUS, Japan, NATO, SEATO, Transformation