Paper: "Structural Thinking: Producing Effective Organizational Change," June 1994




Warfield, John
Cardenas, Roxana

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This booklet, which was given out at a one-week short course, is designed to help organizations incorporate structural thinking. Structural thinking emphasizes the use of computer-assisted relational thinking to construct relationships among factors involved in complex issues. Seventeen Laws of Complexity are also introduced and discussed. John N. Warfield Collection 33.24


Manuscript: typescript with tables and figures. 69 pgs. 8.5 x 11" (21.6 cm x 29.7 cm)


Warfield, John N., Cardenas, Roxana, Complexity, Structral thinking, Definitive relationships, Comparative relationships, Influence relationships, Temporal relationships, Law of Triadic Compatibility, Law of Requisite Parsimony, Law of Structural Underconceptualization, Law of Organizational Linguistics, Law of Validation, Law of Diverse Beliefs, Law of Gradation, Law of Universal Priors, Law of Inherent Conflict, Law of Limits, Law of Requisite Saliency, Law of Success and Failure, Law of Uncorrelated Extremes, Law of Requisite Variety, Law of Forced Substitution, Law of Precluded Resolution, Law of Triadic Necessity and Sufficiency
