AFCEA-GMU Symposium (May 2009)
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Item Rapid Synthesis of Multi-Model Simulations for Computational Experiments in C2(2009-10-06T17:25:03Z) Neema, Himanshu; Nine, H.; Hemingway, G.; Sztipanovits, J.; Karsai, G.Abstract-Virtual evaluation of complex command and control concepts demands the use of heterogeneous simulation environments. Development challenges include how to integrate multiple simulation platforms with varying semantics and how to integrate simulation models and the complex interactions between them. While existing simulation frameworks may provide many of the required services needed to coordinate among multiple simulation platforms, they lack an overarching integration approach that connects and relates the semantics of heterogeneous domain models and their interactions. This paper outlines some of the challenges encountered in developing a command and control simulation environment and discusses our use of the GME meta-modeling tool-suite to create a model-based integration approach that allows for rapid synthesis of complex HLA-based simulation environments.Item BML Enabled Information Exchange Framework in SES Ontology for C2(2009-10-05T16:52:43Z) Lee, Hojun; Zeigler, BernardThis paper explores the Information Exchange Framework (IEF) concept of distributed data fusion sensor networks in Network-centric environment. It is used to build up integrative battlefield pictures through the Battle Management Language (BML) and System Entity Structure (SES) ontology for C2 systems. The C2 process requires multi-level information to assess the current situation in a sound manner. Superiority of information is critical factor to win battles. The SES is an ontology framework that can facilitate information exchange in a network environment. From the perspective of the SES framework, BML serves to express pragmatic frames, since it can specify the information desired by a consumer in an unambiguous way. We explain the idea of information exchange in the SES ontology via BML and demonstrate pruning and transformation processes of SES with proof-of-concept examples.Item Representing Geospatially Enabled Command and Control Information within the JC3IEDM(2009-09-29T17:30:47Z) Roberts, JohnThe transition to Commander-centric network-enabled Command and Control (C2) is well underway within the US Army and Department of Defense (DOD). The foundation of this approach is an information superiority-enabled concept of operations that describes the way U.S. forces organize and fight in the information age. The idea is to translate this information superiority into combat power by effectively linking friendly forces within the Battlespace, providing a much richer shared awareness of the situation, and enabling more rapid and effective decision making. In order to achieve this type of capability, reliable connectivity must be established among the various types of digitized C2 systems, sensor systems, communications systems, and communications networks. This, however, will only provide half of the required solution. Just as important as connectivity is to this concept is the ability of these systems to discover, consume, understand, and act upon this mission-relevant shared information. This requires that interoperability specifications and standards be established to facilitate shared information understanding among the services, their warfighter domains, and the plethora of disparate digitized systems and networks that constitute the current battlefield. One such area of applicable research involves the integration of geospatial analysis with Army planning and decision making. The purpose of this paper is describe work focused on bringing tailored, actionable geospatial information into the hands of the warfighter using the Joint Consultation, Command and Control Information Exchange Data Model (JC3IEDM). The U.S. Army Topographic Engineering Center (TEC) is sponsoring an ongoing effort to develop products and a framework for transforming the volumes of data produced by terrain teams and sensors into information products and tactical decision aids to provide a deeper understanding of the battlefield and including terrain and weather effects. As part of this work a common underlying data representation has been developed and demonstrated as a means of harnessing the analytical power of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and presenting this information to the Warfighter in terms that he can more easily apply to the battle command process. The paper will provide a description of this underlying geospatially enabled C2 representation.Item Net-Centric Adapter for Legacy Systems(2008) Thomas, Alan; Turner, Thomas; Soderlund, ScottThe Net-Centric Adapter for Legacy Systems (NCALS) is a software technology that makes legacy system data and services available in near real-time to the Global Information Grid (GIG). The intent of NCALS is to lower the cost and risk, and to decrease the time required for legacy systems to comply with DoD net-centric technical standards. Many different systems could use a common, configurable NCALS software component to comply with these standards. The benefit to the warfighter is improved interoperability with joint and coalition forces. NCALS enables legacy systems to move to a Service- Oriented Architecture (SOA) compatible with the GIG without requiring a costly and risky re-architecture of their legacy software. In addition, NCALS enables mission critical systems such as weapon systems to segregate their real-time, mission critical software from enterprise integration software. This maintains the safety and security required by such systems, while accommodating rapid changes in Internet-based, enterprise technologies. This paper discusses the legacy system challenge and describe a technology prototype developed by the Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) Dahlgren to realize the NCALS concept. The prototype works automatically, behind the scenes, to expose legacy data to the GIG and to make GIG data available to legacy systems.Item Linear Referencing for Network Analysis of IED(2009-09-15T18:55:09Z) Curtin, Kevin M.This paper outlines a motivation for associating IED events (and other significant physical and human geographic features) with the road network, describes the use of methods known as linear referencing in order to do so, and presents an example of how linear referencing of several types of events can occur. This is followed by a description of several measures of network density of events, and a demonstration of how linearly referenced events can be combined to analyze spatial coincidence of different event types. This is followed by suggestions for future research including the development of network based spatial statistics, optimization of network services based on the linearly referenced events, and geographic information system tool development to integrate these methods.Item CWID 08 Demonstrates Rapid Evolutionary(2008) Gunderson, C.R.; Raytheon, David MintonCoalition Warrior Interoperability Demonstration 2008 (CWID 08), Interoperability Trial (IT) #5.64 “Trusted Enterprise Service Bus” (T-ESB) demonstrates a potentially quantum improvement in the government procurement model for information systems. Joint Interoperability Command (JITC) sponsored the World Wide Consortium for the Grid (W2COG) Institute (WI) to conduct IT 5.64. WI studied the requirements of the Multi-National Information Sharing (MNIS) program to distill the following objectives: • “Flatten” coalition networks • Enable data and service “discovery” via semantic interoperability • Demonstrate rapid, adaptive, evolutionary acquisition compliant with the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) and based on commercial best practice. The general premise is that the government should “buy down” as much implementation risk as possible of its basic information-processing requirement with true COTS capability. An issue is that government requirements, especially military requirements, are typically more stringent than commercial requirements. Security and interoperability are especially critical. True COTS offerings rarely address the total government requirement. Accordingly, IT 5.64 provided credible demonstration of the viability of the following hypothesis: i If the government (1) continuously develops and furnishes critical raw technology to the industrial base, and (2) simply publishes its use cases, objective selection criteria, and COTS competitive procurement budget in lieu of formal Engineering Development Model (EDM)-type solicitations; Then continuing industrial competition will generate pure COTS offerings that are ever more aligned with government requirements.Item Evaluation of High Resolution Imagery and Elevation Data(Proceeding of 14th International Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium, 2009-06) Powell, Walter A.; Laskey, Kathryn Blackmond; Adelman, Leonard; Johnson, Ryan; Altenau, Michael; Goldstein, Andrew; Visone, Daniel; Braswell, KennethHow does the underlying data affect the ability of warfighters to derive useful information and make decisions? The Army Topographic Engineering Center (TEC) and GMU endeavor to shed light on this question with the third in TEC’s series of value experiments. The fundamental objective of the series is to improve TEC’s support of military personnel in the field through better geospatial products. The third experiment in the series goes in a different direction from the previous two experiments, which were presented at the 12th and 13th ICCRTS. Whereas previous experiments assessed the value of cutting-edge geospatial tools while keeping the data constant, the present experiment evaluated the effect of higher resolution imagery and elevation data while keeping the tools constant. The high resolution data under evaluation was generated from TEC’s Buckeye system, an operational airborne surveillance system. This paper discusses the scope of the third experiment, its hypotheses, its experimental design, and initial results.