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Recent Submissions

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  • Publication
    Qualitative and Quantitative Methods for Assessing Urban Walkability At City-Wide and Intersection-Level Scales
    (2023-08-03) Black, Adam Logan; Burtch, Nathan
    Cities are opting to pursue various smart growth strategies which include the process of integrating more walkable environments. offers users the ability to measure the alleged level of walkability at a given location. The problem with the website’s tool is that while it does consider nearby amenities for its calculation of walkability, it does not consider other equally important factors. In his book, city planner Jeff Speck presents the case that to be walkable an urban environment must be safe, useful, comfortable, and interesting for pedestrians. This thesis explores these four walkable categories with qualitative and quantitative approaches. The scale of the analysis is set to a macro city-wide analysis which uses collected GIS data from online sources, as well as manually digitized data. There is also a micro intersection-focused analysis that utilizes a direct observation method of collecting and operationalizing data.
  • Publication
    Re-greening Opportunities in Northern Virginia Based on Land Cover Patterns and Social Vulnerability Criteria
    (2023-05-19) Jankowski, Rachel; Burtch, Nathan
    This research reviews a number of socio-demographic and environmental criteria in the interest of identifying suitable areas for re-greening in Northern Virginia. The study area encompasses nine county and county equivalents in Northern Virginia whose sprawling development, demographic characteristics, and historical evolution towards an urban fringe landscape places it at potential risk for adverse effects related to the urban heat island (UHI) effect. Various methods and techniques have been explored to help combat the implications of the UHI, which can result in higher-than-average heat indices, place both the natural and built environment at risk, as well as increase health impacts in local populations with known risk factors. One of the most effective and affordable mitigation techniques is the use of vegetation in the form of grasses, trees, and shrubs that help to cool urban surfaces and reduce ambient temperatures. This premise is the basis of the research question, which asks based on a series of input criteria, where are the most vulnerable, and therefore the best suited areas within the study area for re-greening efforts? This study utilizes an adapted multi-criteria analysis technique and GIS to overlay land surface temperature, land cover change, and socio-demographic characteristics to try and identify such areas. These layers from publicly available sources such as USGS, DOE, and NLCD were pre-processed, scaled and reclassified, weighted, and added together to determine suitability scores per pixel area. Overall, the research found a number of case study areas that scored as high candidates for re-greening, and whose spatial range aligned with expected trends related to the UHI and areas that tend to be hotter such as those that have shifted from forested to development over the course of 18 years (2001 to 2019). The research showed that these areas often exist alongside vulnerable communities as well. Pockets of re-greening suitability include areas in southeastern Prince William, Loudoun County, Manassas and Manassas Park, Alexandria, and parts of eastern Fairfax County. Some areas have major focus on economic development thus resulting in urban and suburban sprawl, while more established neighborhoods that have been developed for quite some time but whose infrastructure tends to leave communities more at risk for heat related issues. The results were highly dependent on the unique status of the region, but this research found that there are many hectares worth of suitable areas that would certainly benefit from additional green space in light of climate change and UHI trends.
  • Publication
    Population Abundance and Habitat Requirements of the Marsh Wren (Cistothorus palustris) at Dyke Marsh Wildlife Preserve: An Urban Conservation Challenge
    (2000-12) Spencer, Sandy C.; Talbot, Lee
    In 1998 and 1999, I estimated the abundance of a population of marsh wrens ( Cistothorus palustris) at Dyke Marsh National Wildlife Preserve based on number of territories. In addition, I estimated the reproductive success based on number of fledglings. For 1999 only, the percent of available habitat used; male and female habitat selection preferences; the variation in territory quality between successful and failed nests; causes of nest failure; and use of alternative vegetation for nest sites were investigated. In 1999, I also surveyed other marshes in the upper tidal zone of the Potomac to verify whether Dyke Marsh contains the only population of marsh wrens in this area. The differences between territories and non-territories for male selection preferences based on seven habitat variables. Nine habitat variables were used to measure differences between breeding and non-breeding territories and between successful and failed nests. Differences between groups were analyzed using non-parametric tests. Reproductive success was based upon actual number of fledglings. Thirty-one territories were located in 1998, and 34 in 1999. The population estimate was 38 (31 territorial males and 7 breeding females) in 1998, and 48 (34 territorial males and 14 breeding females) in 1999. This number excludes roving bachelors, and second or third mates of polygynous males. The discrepancy in the female number between years may reflect insufficient manpower to discover all breeding nests in 1998. Reproductive success for 1998 was nine young fledged; for 1999, eleven young fledged. Only 30% percent of available habitat was used by marsh wrens in 1999. Absolute density of tall, emergent vegetation (P = 0.003 ) and proximity to red-winged blackbirds (P = 0.011) were the most significant habitat variables driving male selection preferences. Percent Typha spp. was a marginally sigificant factor (P = 0.089) for female selection. No significant difference was detected between successful (n=S} and failed (n=11) nests in 1999 for any of the variables measured. The majority (79%) of nest failure is due to predation by conspecifics, or interspecific birds, snakes, small mammals. Only four territories used non-cattail vegetation for nest attachment but none of the nests attached to alternative species became breeding nests. A survey of similar tidal marshes in the upper Potomac tidal zone revealed that there are no other breeding populations of marsh wrens in this area. Because the local population of marsh wrens has very narrow preferences for nesting territories, has experienced substantial habitat loss over the last few decades, are subject to high rates of predation, and do not appear to be very adaptable to alternative forms of vegetation, the population could be at risk over the long term.
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    Helly-Type Theorems on Support Lines for Families of Congruent Disks in the Plane
    (2023-12) Russ, Tyler R.; Soltan, Valeriu
    In this dissertation, we consider the problem to determine Helly-type numbers for support lines of nonoverlapping families of congruent disks in the plane. This problem, originally posed by R. Dawson for the case of disjoint families of convex bodies and by V. Soltan for the case of disjoint families of unit disks, has been recently solved. This research generalizes to the case of non-overlapping families of congruent disks. An essential part of the argument is based on the study of "critical" families of congruent disks.
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    Studying School Gardens as Habitat for Urban Butterflies and Outcomes of Involving Elementary School Students in Data Collection during a DC Summer Program
    Pontarelli, Katherine; Smith, Cynthia
    Schoolyard gardens are increasing in cities to simultaneously provide students with experiential learning opportunities and local communities with increased food security. These gardens may also provide urban habitats for pollinators and opportunities for students to interact with urban wildlife. Here we assess how schoolyard gardens may provide habitat for large-bodied butterflies and discuss how they may be designed to support more butterfly diversity. Due to their charismatic nature and presence in urban spaces, butterflies can be a flagship species to reconnect urban residents with the natural environment. Therefore, we designed the project to be student-led and assessed students' participation in the data collection process. Three elementary schools with rising first and third-grade students observe and capture large-bodied butterflies in their gardens during the summer of 2022. The species richness and abundance at school gardens were compared to butterflies caught by researchers in a corresponding natural area near each school. An N-mixture model was used to estimate the correlation between tree canopy, site area, and impervious surface to eastern tiger swallowtail (Papilio glaucus) abundance. Results showed that swallowtail abundance was negatively related to the percent of impervious surface at a site regardless of the site's area and proportion of tree cover. Our results indicate that urban schools with limited green space can increase butterfly abundance by planting more vegetation around the garden and decreasing impervious cover. Student discussions provided program feedback and increased interest in butterfly ecology within urban environments. These results indicate that involving K- 12 students in urban ecological research within their school grounds may increase their awareness of interactions with nature.
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    Assessing Thermal Imagery Integration into Object Detection Methods on Air-Based Collection Platforms
    Gallagher, James; Oughton, Edward
    Object detection models commonly focus on utilizing the visible spectrum via Red-Green-Blue (RGB) imagery. Due to various limitations with this approach in low visibility settings, there is growing interest in fusing RGB with thermal long wave infrared (LWIR) (7.5 - 13.5 μm) images to increase object detection performance. However, we still lack baseline performance metrics evaluating RGB, LWIR and RGB-LWIR fused object detection machine learning models, especially from air-based platforms. This study undertakes such an evaluation finding that a blended RGB-LWIR model generally exhibits superior performance compared to traditional RGB or LWIR approaches. For example, an RGB-LWIR blend only performed 1-5% behind the RGB approach in predictive power across various altitudes and periods of clear visibility. Yet, RGB fusion with a thermal signature overlayed provides edge redundancy and edge emphasis, both which are vital in supporting edge detection machine learning algorithms.
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    Urban Stream Restorations Increase Floodplain Soil Carbon and Nutrient Retention along a Chronosequence
    Napora, Katrina; Ahn, Changwoo
    Stream restoration is a common management practice to meet regulatory or voluntary efforts to improve water quality via carbon and nutrient retention, including in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. However, restoration projects have few quantifiable measures of project success, no standard metrics, and rarely collect pre-restoration data. Storage of nutrients, such as phosphorus (P), and carbon (C), in floodplain soils of restored streams can act as an easily quantifiable indicator of restoration success, particularly when the project goals include improved water quality. To determine how floodplains of restored streams change in their phosphorus and carbon storage as time since restoration increases, floodplain surficial soil samples (10 cm depth) were collected from 18 streams in the urbanized Piedmont region of northern Virginia, representing a chronosequence of time (1-10+ yrs.) since restoration as well as unrestored and reference streams. The samples were analyzed for total carbon (TC), total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) storage, whereas CO2 mineralization potential and equilibrium phosphorus concentration (EPC0) were measured as metrics of nutrient and carbon loss. These metrics were compared to time since restoration and potential environmental drivers, including soil moisture, pH, particle size, organic matter content, and degree of phosphorus saturation. These stream restorations demonstrated increasing nutrient storage for TC, TN, and TP along the chronosequence to values greater than both unrestored or reference streams, as well as decreasing C mineralization turnover and no significant changes in EPC0. Soil wetness and organic matter, key drivers in nutrient retention, also increased as restoration projects aged increasing nutrient and C storage. Overall, stream restoration did improve carbon and nutrient retention in floodplains as compared to unrestored sites and exceeded those of low urbanization 'reference' sites.
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    Creation of a Novel Fusion Protein WGA-eNpHR3.0 for Circuit Dissection in The Brain
    Kinsey, Lucas; Dumas, Theodore
    Over the last decade, optogenetic manipulation of neuronal activity has redefined functional circuit analysis in the central nervous system. Combined with promoters for specific neuron types, optogenetic actuators permit activation or inhibition of select neurons within intact circuits. A major advance in this field would be to enable movement across synapses to direct the optogenetic actuator to specific afferents of the target neuronal population. Fusion constructs of wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) have been shown to move retrogradely across synapses. In this thesis project, a transsynaptic optogenetic-construct was created by fusing WGA to the N-terminus of halorhodopsin (eNpHR3.0). This was done so by first amplifying the WGA sequence using mutagenic primers in a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to flank the WGA fragment with restriction sites that match the insert location in eNpHR3.0. The PCR product was then ligated to the N-terminus of eNpHR3.0 and samples were transformed into E coli. Positive clones were verified to include the WGA sequence via restriction digest and electrophoresis. Positive plasmid samples were commercially sequenced in order to verify the WGA orientation. This novel WGA-eNpHR3.0 plasmid serves as a powerful tool to traffic eNpHR3.0 retrogradely both in vivo and in vitro.
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    Extracellular Vesicle Subpopulations From HTLV-1 Infected Cells Induce Differential Effects in Recipient Cells
    Cuba, Zachary; Kashanchi, Fatah
    Human T-cell Leukemia Virus Type 1 (HTLV-1) is the causative agent of Adult T-Cell Leukemia/Lymphoma (ATLL) and HTLV-1 associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP). Extracellular vesicles (EVs)—membrane-bound vesicles excreted by cells into the microenvironment which play an extensive role in cell-to-cell communication—have been implicated in contributing to these two conditions by carrying cellular materials from donor cells to recipient cells. Our lab has previously shown that EVs from ATLL cells contain viral protein and mRNA and promote cell-to-cell contact when placed on uninfected recipient CD4+ T-cells, enhancing HTLV-1 infectivity. Another recent paper involving ATLL EVs resulted in mesenchymal stem cell proliferation and was attributed to helping aid in leukemic progression. Because ATLL is a leukocytic cancer, ATLL EVs have the potential to interact with any cells that blood or biofluids interact with. However, a gap in knowledge exists relating to how ATLL EVs interact with differentiated non-leukocytes. In addition, many of the conclusions made about the effects of cancer “extracellular vesicles” look at a small subpopulation within the total EV population, and have not been generalized. Therefore, in this study, we sought to better understand the different impacts of individual ATLL EV subpopulations upon non-leukocytes. We found that differential ultracentrifugation subpopulations (2K, 10K, 100K, 167K (4hr) and 167K (16hr)) of HuT102 EVs contained different distributions of viral proteins, viral mRNA, and vesicle-associated proteins. We saw that HeLa cells treated with EV subpopulations had no change in cell viability but had preservation of normal cell morphology post-confluency and had different patterns of anchorage-dependent proliferation. Furthermore, we found that less-dense EV subpopulations 100K and 167K (16hr) helped promote anchorage-independent proliferation. Collectively, our data suggests that there may be a correlation between subpopulations with high amounts of vesicle markers and anchorage-dependent proliferation, while subpopulations with low amounts of viral markers may promote anchorage-independent proliferation. These findings prompt further research into how the contents of each ATLL subpopulation affect recipient cell proliferation and whether these recipient cells are pushed towards cancer development.
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    Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar Burned Area Detection Using Expectation Maximization in a Multiscale Approach
    Heying, Louis D; Yang, Ruixin
    This research explores wildfire burn mapping using Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery for the 2021 Woods Creek Fire in the Helena-Lewis and Clark National Forest in Montana and the 2021 French Fire near Lake Isabella in Kern County California. Sentinel-1 SAR imagery is used since it can be collected during most weather conditions as well as in heavy smoke and is useful in the upper latitudes where wildfires often occur. Both the ascending and descending orbits as well as the co-polarity (VV) and cross-polarity (VH) are evaluated. The increase of wildfire occurrence is the result of lower precipitation and fuel moisture content as a result of climate change. The methodology by which SAR imagery detects wildfire burns is adapted to use SAR imagery from Google Earth Engine (GEE) and a method provided by the Alaska Satellite Facility (ASF). This method utilizes a stationary wavelet transform and math morphology to process imagery at various scales and expectation maximization in order to generate change classes. The resulting burn area is compared to Sentinel-2 differenced Normalized Burn Area (dNBR) and MODIS Burned Area. The ascending orbits of Sentinel-1 burned areas provided the best results compared to those of the descending orbits likely due to the limited ability of GEE to radiometrically terrain correct SAR imagery.
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    Neural Effects of Estrogen on Mitochondrial Lipids and Cardiolipin Levels and Distribution
    Lebert, Nadege; Kabbani, Nadine
    A variety of lipid classes play important roles in neuronal structure and function. One of these lipids is cardiolipin, a phospholipid exclusive to the mitochondria and important to processes such as mitophagy and apoptosis through its differential oxidation. Estradiol (E2), a steroid sex hormone, is known to exert antioxidant effects in various cell types. I will establish a baseline lipidome in a line of neural cells and use E2-treatment conditions to determine if estrogen antioxidant effects are mediated through lipids, with a particular focus on cardiolipin. The results could contribute to understanding how hormonal changes can impact neural cell health and neurodegeneration.
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    Mammal Reactions to Novel Objects in Their Environment
    Wood, Hannah; Luther, David
    The way in which mammals respond to novel objects can inform experts and managers about how urbanization is impacting species. The behaviors of three common North American mammal species with great behavioral adaptability, raccoons (Procyon lotor); red foxes (Vulpes vulpes); and white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), were observed using remotely triggered wildlife cameras and novel objects. The amount of time an individual spent within view of the camera, the number of behaviors exhibited, and the time it took an individual to approach novel objects and control sites were analyzed as a function of canopy cover, impervious cover, and human population density. Correlations between canopy cover, impervious cover, and population density and response variables, and the direction of effects differed between species, but trends emerged among similar taxa (carnivores). This study can inform plans and protocols to mitigate human-wildlife conflicts while considering how different species respond to urbanization.
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    The Geographic Roots of Cultural and Liturgical Differences Amongst American Catholics
    Conti, Joel; Burtch, Nathan
    This paper addresses the geographic components of American Catholicism from 1972-2020. The study found significant, previously undiscussed geographic variations in the character and expression of the Catholic faith within the United States. This project fills a geography-sized gap in existing literature, which hitherto has only discussed regional differences at the broadest geographic scale. This paper found significant spatial variations amongst Catholic settlement and growth patterns, regional ancestral composition, age, rural/urban divisions, as well as inter-regional migration. Relationships and intersections between the variables were also examined, as well as the temporal evolution of these spatially distributed attributes. The study found that the modern Catholic Church in America was far from spatially uniform, varying across regions in a myriad of ways. Additionally, an examination on sociopolitical attitudinal differences between Catholics of different regions towards controversies within the Church is conducted using statistics from studies undertaken throughout the late 20th and 21st centuries. Opensource data on the locations of parishes categorized by liturgical styles were examined to discern spatial differences in traditionalist and modernist approaches to the Mass, as well as the distribution of parishes offering the Traditional Latin Mass. Data from the General Social Survey, Pew Research Center, county-level religious censuses of the United States, as well as a variety of survey data on Catholics from the previous thirty years were examined at the smallest geographic scale possible. The results of county, state, diocese, and census-division level analysis found that previous assessments of the geographic trends and characteristics of Catholics were missing key nuances which were only discernable by examining the data at these scales.
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    #COVID-19 Searching for a Relationship between Twitter Sentiment and Infectious Disease
    Stassinos, James Odysseus Van Der Loo; Anderson, Taylor
    Digital health data such as social media data has shown potential for identifying outbreaks faster than official records of disease incidence. The objective of this thesis 1 is to examine the relationship between COVID-19-related Tweet sentiment and COVID-19 cases over space and time and assess the extent to which Twitter-derived sentiment can be used for local COVID-19 surveillance in the United States. To our knowledge, there is no existing study that examines the relationship between Tweet sentiment and infectious disease cases at a spatially local level. The sentiment is computed using 56,755,894 Tweets from the TBCOV dataset for US counties over time. Tweet sentiment is examined with COVID-19 cases for each county globally, over time, and space using Pearson's R correlation. A negative association was observed between COVID-19 cases and the sentiment polarity of COVID- 19 tweets, but only in some regions of the US and only for some duration of the period of study. Further research is needed to understand the cause of the spatial and temporal non-stationary correlations between Twitter sentiment and COVID-19 cases. This would allow for the identification of when and where Twitter sentiment could be used as a signal for early disease outbreak warning.
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    Advancements in Computational Digital Pathology for EGFR and pd-l1
    Hoo-Fatt, Nicholas; Ullah, Aman
    Annually Inova Health Care System treats more than two million individuals through their integrated network. With the increasing need for fast and accurate results for its cancer patients, the Inova Laboratories Healthcare System’s reference laboratory, has acquired a Rapid Molecular Testing System, called BioCartis Idyllatm which is a real-time PCR bases molecular testing system. This system is user friendly and will help improve the turnaround time for diagnosis and treatment of cancer patients. Most of the existing molecular testing for Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) platforms such as whole genome sequencing, Exon sequencing and Disease diagnosis panel takes approximately fourteen days or longer to obtain results. This is due to the need for high volume batched samples, specimen procurement, transportation and complex interpretation. While there have been great expansion of knowledge on molecular changes occurring in the cancer development, clinical utility of molecular tests for the diagnosis and especially for the treatment of cancers have been limited. The FDA has approved some treatments targeted for specific molecular changes such as EGFR mutation and KRAS mutation in lung cancers and BRAF mutation in melanomas. Molecular testing aids the pathologist to check for certain changes in a gene or chromosome that may cause or affect the chance of developing a specific disease or disorder, in this case lung cancer. Another area of rapid progress is the advancement of immune targeted therapy aimed at PD-L1. Initially applied to lung cancers and some GI cancers, and has been approved by FDA- for multiple cancer types recently. To be able to apply these advanced therapeutics there is a growing need for more efficient targeted biomarker testing, including fast TAT (turnaround time), user friendliness, remarkable accuracy, specificity and sensitivity which are equivalent to the NGS test results The objective of this project is to determine the use of rapid molecular tests for tumor mutations and the application of AI-based digital scoring methods of IHC (immunohistochemistry) test for PD-L1 for Keytruda® (Pembrolizumab).
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    Color and Temperature Are Not Related in the Crepuscular Reptile, Eublepharis macularius
    Hastings, Brandon; Chiari, Ylenia
    Ectothermic organisms depend on external sources for heating and cooling to regulate their internal body temperature. Some ectotherms rely on physiological color change by adjusting melanistic body coloration to increase or decrease heat absorption. Furthermore, ectotherms with a greater proportion of stable melanistic body coloration seem to have better thermoregulatory performance in cold climates due to better absorption of solar energy to buffer body temperature in relation to environmental temperatures. Together with its influence on thermoregulation, body coloration is also used in ectotherms for other ecological functions, from escaping predators to communicating with conspecific individuals. As fluctuations in extreme temperatures due to global warming are becoming more frequent, understanding the relationship between coloration and suboptimal temperature is essential to predict the influence that this may have on other functions. In this study, we tested if the exposure to suboptimal low temperatures produces a physiological color in the crepuscular reptile Eublepharis macularius. Furthermore, we tested if the proportion of melanism on the body of these animals is related to differences in heating and cooling rates of the internal body temperature during suboptimal temperature exposure. Temperature measurements were taken using infrared photography and temperature loggers, and coloration was obtained using objective photography and analyzed using a newly developed custom software package. As the dorsal part of the body is the one mostly involved in physiological color changes in ectotherms, we tested if dorsal coloration would change as a response to lowering environmental temperatures, analyzing melanistic and non-melanistic areas of the body separately for twelve geckos. We expected a higher degree of color change in non-melanistic versus melanistic coloration and a relative higher average body temperature in geckos with a higher proportion of melanistic coloration. We found that body temperature reflects substrate temperatures, but that the proportion of melanistic coloration has a moderate negative correlation with cooling rates of body temperature. We also did not observe a relationship between body temperature and physiological color change for melanistic and non-melanistic color. These findings suggest that in E. macularius melanistic coloration may be used for other purposes such as predator avoidance and that physiological color change may not be used for thermoregulation to increase heat absorption, but may occur for background matching, similarly to what described for other nocturnal/crepuscular reptiles. Future research should further test these hypotheses to elucidate the function of melanistic coloration in crepuscular and nocturnal geckos and to understand the evolution of pattern development in organisms active in low light conditions.
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    Mechanisms of Innate Immune Response Activation in Human Monocytes by Small Extracellular Vesicles Released During Infection with Burkholderia thailandensis
    Matulis, Graham; Hakami, Ramin
    The function of small extracellular vesicles (sEVs) released from host cells during bacterial infections is still largely uncharacterized, despite EVs representing key components of cell-to-cell communication. In particular, there is still a strong gap in knowledge about sEV released from innate immune cells that are infected with high-consequence pathogens such Burkholderia pseudomallei (Bp), including the molecular mechanisms by which these host-derived vesicles alter innate immune cell function. The Hakami laboratory had previously demonstrated that sEV released from monocytes that are infected with the Bp model organism Burkholderia thailandensis (EXi-Bt) induce specific phenotypic changes within naïve recipient monocytes. Specifically, they cause differentiation of the monocytes to macrophage-like cells, increased production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, and reduced intracellular bacterial burden if the cells are infected post sEV treatment. In this work, we have characterized the signaling pathways and cellular processes involved in these observed EXi-Bt-associated phenotypes. We demonstrate that the p38 MAP kinase pathway is involved for several of the observed effects, with chemical inhibition of p38 activity resulting in phenotype loss within EXi-Bt-treated cells. We also show that while IL-6 production is important for the reduced bacterial burden phenotype, it does not impact the monocyte-to-macrophage differentiation effect. Importantly, we show that EXi-Bt induces autophagy within the macrophage-like cell population, and that inhibition of autophagy by siRNA knockdown of Atg5 leads to a reversal of the reduced bacterial burden phenotype within the EXi-Bt-treated cells. These findings suggest that sEV released from Bt-infected monocytic cells prime recipient cells for enhanced response to bacterial challenge via the p38 and IL-6 signaling pathways and through induction of autophagy. The mechanistic characterization of these EXi-Bt-induced phenotypes provides further insight into the innate immune response that occurs during Bp infection, which may help inform the development of novel preventative and therapeutic strategies.
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    Using GEDI Data to Evaluate the Impact of the Australian 2019-2020 Fire Season on the Structure and Biomass of Gondwana Rainforests
    Flynn, Colin G; Wessels, Conrad
    Wildfires are increasing globally in their intensity, frequency, and range. A unique yet globally significant example is the devastating eastern Australia 2019-2020 fire season, which resulted in an unprecedented burnt forest area with > 21% of Australia’s temperate forests affected, and, in an unprecedented event, over 50% of Gondwana Rainforests in Australia were impacted. Currently, optical satellite imagery is used to detect active fires and assess burnt area, as well as impact. Assessing the impacts of fires solely through these techniques lacks information on vegetation structural changes, especially subcanopy changes. Lidar (light detection and ranging) can be used to evaluate the impacts of fire on vegetation structure more comprehensively. This study uses full waveform lidar data from NASA’s Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) to study the Gondwana Rainforests of Willi Willi National Park and Werrikimbe National Park, in New South Wales, Australia. GEDI footprints were filtered to remove those incident upon steep slopes (>25°) and collected more than 9 months before and after the MODIS recorded burn date. GEDI footprint level canopy structure measurements (Level 2A and 2B data products) were aggregated into 5 km2 grid cells across the study sites and showed an average decrease of 19% in Plant Area Index, and a 15% decrease in Canopy Cover Fraction. Vertical profiles of Plant Area Volume Density (PAVD) grouped into 5 meter vertical profile height bins showed an average decrease of -15.6% (STD = 8.1) for bins from 0-5 meters to 35-40 meters, with the largest decrease of -27.63% occurring in the 10-15 meter vertical profile height bin. GEDI relative height (RH) metrics were lower post fire: RH50 decreased by average of 12.7%, RH75 by 5.1%, and RH90, RH95, RH98, and RH100 all by <1%. GEDI footprint level aboveground biomass density (Level 4A product) showed a -1.5% decrease, correlating closely with percent change in RH75 and the 20-25 meter PAVD vertical profile height bin. The PAVD metric change therefore captured the impact of the fire more effectively than RH metrics, which showed limited change. Consequently, the footprint-level GEDI biomass which is largely derived from RH metrics show minor changes after the fire. These results indicate that GEDI was uniquely positioned to directly quantify the effects of vegetation disturbance on vertical canopy structure. The structural damage resulting from these fires ranged from entire stand-replacing disturbance to primarily crown or understory fires. We discuss the potential implications of these findings to understand the impact of fire severity and post-fire recovery on carbon stocks at regional scales.
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    Automated Electrochemistry for Measuring the Temperature Dependence of Various Cell Parameters via A Custom Built Microcontroller-Based Potentiostat
    Canon, Benjamin; Hussam, Abdul
    A $70 microcontroller based potentiostat with a temperature probe was designed, fabricated, and tested. The potentiostat was programmed to automatically repeat chronoamperometric experiments on a solution of potassium ferricyanide in potassium chloride at different temperatures under both kinetic and diffusion controlled conditions. Under kinetic control, the system proved to be quasi-reversible. Cottrellian behavior was observed under diffusion control. Currents due to the formation of an electric double layer were found to follow a power law. The temperature dependence of the heterogeneous rate constant, diffusion coefficient, double layer capacitance, and surface excess were all measured. From this data, the ionic mobility, activation energy and frequency factor for diffusion and heterogeneous electron transfer were all measured.
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    Vibrio vulnificus Type 6 Secretion System Exhibits Influence in Marine Aggregate Colonization
    Amiri, Navolle; Froelich, Brett
    Oysters are among the most economically beneficial species with regards to aquaculture, the process of farming aquatic species. As such, in order to ensure that oyster farming remains profitable, it is necessary to maintain a product that is safe for consumption. As oysters are oftentimes consumed raw, they have been known to cause seafood-based disease, particularly from bacteria in the genus Vibrio. Vibrio infections can be costly to treat and depending on the severity of disease, can even be fatal. With sea water temperatures rising due to global climate change, infection rates have also been on the rise. There is therefore a need to rapidly develop therapies that will prevent a further number of clinical cases. Gaining a better understanding of Vibrio ecology would aid with doing so, however, data examining this is limited. Previous studies have examined higher oyster uptake levels when bacteria are integrated onto marine aggregates. This project aims to observe the relationship between three different strains of pathogenic Vibrio vulnificus species both on artificially generated marine aggregates and within oyster matrices. This study found that within both aggregate and oyster competitions the three Vibrio vulnificus strains initially displayed an “rock-paper-scissors" effect. In competition between two Environmental (E) genotype strains VV JY1305 pVSV102 (hereby dubbed VV5-102) and SREL 106 pVSV208 (VV8-208), VV5-102 was outcompeted. Strain VV5-102 was able to outcompete the Clinical (C) genotype strain VV C7184 pVSV208 (VV2-208). Unexpectedly, VV2-208 was found to be more abundant than strain SREL 106 pVSV102 (VV8-102). However, this was later understood to be the occurring due to the presence of the plasmid. There was a novel discovery made that established the type 6 secretion system plays a role in integration of V. vulnificus into natural marine aggregates. These results expand upon our understanding of Vibrio interactions as well as highlight the need for more uptake experimentation in order to create viable treatments.