Other Rosenzweig Center Digital Collections

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    Larry Levine
    (Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, 2006) Levine, Larry
    This is a memorial site for Larry Levine (1933-2006), who taught American history at George Mason University from 1994-2005. This site collected memories of Larry Levine and donations for the Organization of American Historians Lawrence W. Levine prize for the best book in cultural history. Hosted at chnm.gmu.edu/levine.
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    Interpreting the Declaration of Independence
    (Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, 1999) Finnefrock, Jessica; O'Malley, Michael; Rosenzweig, Roy
    The Journal of American History's round table on translations of the Declaration of Independence seemed like a natural candidate for on-line publication. Although the print journal was able to devote a substantial number of pages in the March 1999 issue to the round table, it could not also include the many versions of the Declaration of Independence, as it has been translated into different languages and at different times. Where possible, moreover, we have also included "naive" retranslations back into English so that those who don't know the different languages can get a sense of how some key concepts and words have been rendered. Hosted at chnm.gmu.edu/declaration.
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    The Hard Hat Riots
    (Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, 2000) Miller, Karl Hagstrom; Noonan, Ellen; Spencer, John
    This website is part archive, part essay, and part interactive exhibit. The project focuses on the "hard hat riots" of May 1970. It uses the web's characteristics to foster historical inquiry, making it possible to navigate through multiple sources of evidence, explore diverse perspectives, and make connections within this "web" of material. Hosted at chnm.gmu.edu/hardhats.
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    The Guantanamobile Project
    (Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, 2006) Lynch, Lisa; Razlogova, Elena; Crane, Mike; Barry, Tonianne DeMaria
    The Guantanamobile Project was an attempt to both inform and collect public opinion about Guantanamo Bay: to help the American public understand the legal, political and territorial issues surrounding the Guantanamo detentions; and to survey, record and archive the national and international response to the administration's actions, the Supreme Court decision, and the role the "fortified American toehold" of Guantanamo continues to play in international conflicts. The Guantanamobile Project had three primary components: this website to serve as an information and survey database and networking center; a mobile "Guantanamobile" to circulate information, perform field research, and hold nightly projection events; and a documentary about the practice of wartime detentions at Guantanamo Bay. The project was supported by Downtown Community Television, Annenberg Center for Communication, and The Center for History and New Media, which provided server space. Hosted at chnm.gmu.edu/guantanamobile.
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    New Media Group in English
    (Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, 2003)
    This website was created for George Mason University faculty and students of new media writing and new media studies. It includes links to NMGE projects and relevant resources. Hosted at nmge.gmu.edu.
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    The Amboyna Conspiracy Trial
    (Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, 2016) Schrum, Kelly; Preperato, Chris; McCartney, James; Lee, Joo Ah; Clulow, Adam
    Trials fascinate us because they present a single question — innocent or guilty. But trials can also be used to tell us about a particular society at a particular time. This project focuses on a famous legal case from the early modern period, the Amboyna Conspiracy Trial of 1623. In this trial, Dutch authorities accused a group of English merchants and Japanese mercenaries of plotting to seize control of a castle on a remote island in modern-day Indonesia, killing anyone who resisted. The user plays the part of a juror in this case. They consider both sides, evaluate the evidence, and deliver their verdict while learning about European expansion in Asia, the race for spices, and the politics of torture and waterboarding. Hosted at amboyna.org.
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    English Matters
    (Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, 2005)
    English Matters was an online, multimedia journal for teachers and students of English questioning and creating new texts and pedagogies on the web. The site includes ten issues, featuring essays, exhibits, and performances. Hosted at englishmatters.gmu.edu.
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    For Us the Living
    (Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, 2018) Schrum, Kelly; Rosenfeld, Jennifer; McCartney, James; Lee, Joo Ah; Preperato, Chris; White, Gwendolyn K.; Broubalow, Justin; Swain, Greta; Kelley, Caroline; Nunez, Brianna
    For Us the Living is a series of five interactive modules that encourage high school students to explore American history through the stories found in Alexandria National Cemetery. Established in 1862 as one of the nation’s first national cemeteries during the Civil War, Alexandria National Cemetery’s rich history invites students to explore connections to the Civil War, civil rights history, women’s history, the Lincoln assassination, and Reconstruction. Through the modules, students learn historical and critical thinking skills as well as content — the “how” of history in addition to the “what.” Each module invites students to analyze primary and secondary sources, including photographs, maps, legislation, diaries, letters, and video interviews with scholars. At the end of each module, students can complete a digital activity or service learning project related to the module theme, at their teacher’s discretion.
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    Greek American Experiences Between Two Cultures
    (Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, 2001) Korologos Bazzarone, Ann
    Greek American Experiences Between Two Cultures was an online oral history project that provided an opportunity for Greek Americans to record and access stories, anecdotes and personal histories via the world wide web.
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    Data Mining With Criminal Intent
    (Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, 2011) Cohen, Dan; Hitchcock, Tim; Rockwell, Geoffrey; Sander, Jörg; Shoemaker, Robert; Sinclair, Stéfan; Takats, Sean; Turkel, William
    The Datamining with Criminal Intent project brings together three online resources: the Old Bailey Online, Zotero and TAPoR. It allows users to study the rich Old Bailey resource (127 milllion words of trial accounts), using analytical tools from TAPoR like Voyeur and information management tools like Zotero. Researchers interested in studying the Old Bailey can now work in a distributed research environment where they can query the Old Bailey site through a dedicated API; save result sets and queries to their Zotero account where they can be managed; and then send result sets from Zotero to text analysis tools like the Voyeur tools which have been enhanced to optimise their usefulness with these texts.
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    Gulag: Many Days, Many Lives
    (Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, 2008-09-30) Barnes, Steven A.; Rosenzweig, Roy; Scheinfeldt, Tom; White, Gwendolyn K.; Razlogova, Elena; Brennan, Sheila A.; Griffith, Misha Mazzini; Mikheeva, Anastasia; Hurter, Alexis; Ghajar, Lee Ann; Visintin, Mjiriana; Boggs, Jeremy; Hurter, Stephanie R.; Veprek, Laura; Kelly, Kristopher; Shuman, Amanda; Graulich, Andrew; Vinokur, Misha; Shepherd, Ammon
    The website Gulag: Many Days, Many Lives presented the history of the gulag system as a browseable archive of videos, art, artifacts, photographs, and life stories of former Gulag prisoners. It featured thematic exhibitions, including a virtual tour of the reconstructed camp and museum made possible by the Gulag Museum at Perm-36. There were also teaching resources for introducing the Gulag's history into middle and high school classrooms. The project originated in a collaboration between Steven Barnes, CHNM, and the National Park Service. The content now at gulaghistory.org/nps was an online version of a traveling exhibit GULAG: Soviet Forced Labor Camps and the Struggle for Freedom, which was developed by the National Park Service, Amnesty International USA, the Gulag Museum in Perm, Russia, and the International Memorial Society. The exhibit opened in 2006 and was on view through 2008. The NPS exhibit website was made possible through a Teaching Across the Curriculum Grant awarded to Dr. Barnes by George Mason University Dr. Barnes worked with partners at the Gulag Museum at Perm 36 (2004-2014) to secure funding from to make a web exhibit about the experiences of the prisoners of the Gulag, and to hold a conference on the topic. The conference was held at the Davis Center at Harvard University and funded by the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation. The teaching materials on the site were created by the Davis Center at Harvard University. The devblog subdomain (gulaghistory.org/devblog), preserved here, was a Moveable Type site used by the project team between 2004 and 2005 while working on a prototype site for a grant application to the National Endowment for the Humanities (gulaghistory.org/neh). The grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities allowed them to build the main site, which utilized an early version of the Omeka software. Barnes started a podcast to highlight new scholarship on Soviet and Russian history during the period of the Gulag (gulaghistory.org/podcast), but only two episodes were released.
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    Farm Security Administration
    (Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, 2010)
    From 1935 to 1943, photographers working for the federal government produced the most enduring images of the Great Depression. Beginning under the auspices of the Resettlement Administration in 1935 and then the Farm Security Administration (FSA) in 1937, a group that over time included about twenty men and women worked under the supervision of Roy E. Stryker to create a pictorial record of the impact of hard times on the nation, primarily on rural Americans. This website was dedicated to showcasing this work.
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    Mozilla Digital Memory Bank
    (Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, 2008)
    With support from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and the Mozilla Foundation, The Mozilla Digital Memory Bank collected and preserved digital texts, images, audio, video, personal narratives, and oral histories related to Mozilla, its products, and its community of developers, testers, and users. The Mozilla Digital Memory Bank was part of CHNM’s ECHO project, which, since 2001, worked to develop new ways of collecting, preserving, and presenting the history of science, technology, and industry online. Building on CHNM’s earlier work on the September 11 Digital Archive and the Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, the Mozilla Digital Memory Bank aimed to create a resource for generations of students, teachers, scholars, and members of the general public interested in the history of the Internet, open source software, and Mozilla. Hosted at mozillamemory.org.
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    Washington View Heritage Area
    (Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, 2008) Hohmeier, Kristin; Butler, Krista; Parks, Laura; Khuanghlawn, Deborah; Clarke, Brianna; Fulcher, Mandie; Watson, Helen; Nicholas, Meg; Loxton, Tammy; Rowley, Amanda; Paone, Thomas; Wood, Justin; Hubbell, Wren
    The Washington View Heritage Area is a proposed heritage area situated along the Prince George's County Potomac waterfront and surround area. The project goal was to reveal the historic, natural, cultural, and architectural significance of the area and its potential for economic growth through preservation. This website contained an inventory of heritage resources, a map of heritage resources dependent on the then-free Google Maps API, a historical overview of the area, strategies for preservation and development, and opportunities for marketing and education. Hosted at chnm.gmu.edu/wvha.
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    Teaching History Commons
    (Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, 2011) Leon, Sharon; Ghajar, Lee Ann; Murray-John, Patrick
    Teaching History Commons was intended to provide the nation’s teachers with a space to share and discover materials related to the teaching and learning of history, and it was constructed on the notion that teachers need spaces to form communities of practice. THCommons was intended to serve as a venue where K-12 history educators can explore, test, and talk about what it means to teach history and improve and expand effective teaching by drawing together user-generated materials and the exemplary content from teachinghistory.org (National History Education Clearinghouse) and from their own storehouses. The hope was that the eventual users of the THCommons would actively participate in this act of discovery and reassembly in the service of improving history education. Formerly hosted at chnm.gmu.edu/thcommons.
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    Martha Washington: A Life
    (Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, 2009) Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, /
    A collaborative project with George Washington's Mount Vernon, Martha Washington: A Life is a biography, digital exhibit, and series of lesson plans about the life of the first First Lady of the United States. marthawashington.us
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    ReSounding the Archives
    (Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, 2018-05-21) Dauterive, Jessica; Schrum, Kelly
    ReSounding the Archives is an interdisciplinary collaboration that brings together digital humanities, history, and music. The project’s goal is literally to “re-sound” the archives — to bring World War I sheet music to life through recordings and live performances. Students from Mason, UVA, and VT worked together to select, research, and record music, exploring history from new vantage points. The project website provides digitized sheet music, historical context, and usable recordings of each song.
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    #Occupy Archive: Archiving the Occupy Movement from 2011
    (Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, 2013) Brennan, Sheila A.; Cooley, Mark; Brett, Megan; Ghajar, Lee Ann; Halabuk, James; Harmon, Lara; Kelly, Mills; Leon, Sharon; Luddington, Dan; Murray-John, Patrick; Raymond, Chris; Safley, Jim; Sanchez, Roberto; Shepherd, Ammon; Troyano, Joan Fragaszy; Wieringa, Jeri
    Created using a combination of Zotero and Omeka Classic, the Occupy Archive attempted to capture the many local Occupy movements which sprang up around the world in 2011, following the media coverage of Occupy Wall Street. The archive captures web sites and pages from 2011-2013 related to individual occupy movement groups, including Facebook pages and groups, MeetUp groups, and websites. The archive is hosted at https://occupyarchive.org.
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    George Mason Basketball Digital Memory Bank
    (Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, 2006) Albers, Ken; Boggs, Jeremy; Greenberg, Josh; Hess, Meagan; Mellen, Roger; Safley, Jim; Shuman, Amanda; Velez, Heather; George Mason University Community
    With their first trip to the Final Four in school history, Mason enjoyed in 2005-2006 what was undoubtedly its finest season. The Patriots won an NCAA Tournament game for the first time, set a school record with 27 wins, and defeated a pair of top-10 teams (Connecticut and North Carolina) for the first time in the history of the University. The Patriots' Cinderella story made George Mason the focus of national attention, spreading Mason Fever across the country. This site was designed to help fans become a part of the story of Mason's history. By posting online their memories and media files of this momentous run to the Final Four, fans around the world became a part of a living history. In its first month live, George Mason Basketball Digital Memory Bank registered a record number of visits. More than 219,629 site hits and more than 5,500 different visitors visited hoops.gmu.edu. 191 pictures and videos, and 202 stories were sent in by fans and friends before the site was closed to contributions. This memory bank was hosted at hoops.gmu.edu.
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    Critical Infrastructure Protection: Oral History Project and Digital Archive
    (Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, 2005) Brown, Kathi Ann; Luria, Rebecca; Safley, Jim; Rosenzweig, Roy; Scheinfeldt, Tom
    The Critical Infrastructure Protection and Oral History Project was designed to document the history of US efforts to protect the systems and structures that are vital to the smooth functioning of the economy and society. Examples include the electrical grid, banking network, distribution pipelines, transportation corridors and emergency response systems. The Oral History Project focused primarily on the 1980s up through the formation of the Department of Homeland Security in November 2002. The website included a (no longer functional) timeline of key events, an archive of materials relevant to the developing of CIP, and a bibliography of additional readings. The archive includes primary source documents on Congressional hearings, General Accounting Office reports, Congressional Research Service reports, Office of Technology Assessment reports, selected Executive Orders, key federal commission reports, think tank reports, and oral history interviews. It was hosted at chnm.gmu.edu/cipdigitalarchive.